
Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

My mother is a blessing that can only be experienced by a woman. A mother is someone whose love is never ending - only increase and grow with time. She loves her children, even before they were born and continue to love his children throughout his life. Children often leave their mother just like that, once they mature, and sometimes started to ignore him. However, love never lost a mother to her children.
Celebrated every year, mother's Day is a special day to honor mothers around the world. Opportunity for each individual express love, affection and respect they have for their mothers. It's time to indulge herself for all that has been done to us over the years. On Mother's Day we could tell Mom that she will always be very important for us all and that we will always love him forever. Mother, is a word that most beautiful and most pleasant words. This shows the importance of mothers in our lives. Mother, she always give the best to their children, mothers also symbolize the sacrifice of pain, sorrow and suffering that had he lived to keep his children to be more happy and secure. There is no joy that can be equated with the joy of a mother towards her child, and therefore the most important woman in the life of each individual is his mother, because its presence affects all our lives and he can not be replaced by anyone.

Mom thank you to all who have you provide to us your children, hopefully we can offer you one of the best things to mebalas all your kindness, and may God always bless you with happiness.
Happy Mother's Day to you I say,
I always love you ... Mom

"We only have One Mom, One Mommy,
One Mom in the World, One Mother in life.
and Do not wait for tomorrow
to tell Mom,
that we really love him "

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