
Monday, December 14, 2009

this is my way

I feel that what I've done so far in vain. None of the results. All I can is merely pain. Pain that I never expected. All of which I have, have gone from me, from my life. Maybe this is my path.

It's not easy being me, not easy also for me to be someone else. However, as difficult as any obstacle that is in front of me, that's what I have to face. I should be able to receive all the pain that exists and I can not deny it because This is my path.

But, what can I do if something that has graced my days off and I never know when it will come back. Maybe again, maybe not. Although I know, the words "return" will never exist for me. There is only "no" and a myriad of feelings of regret. I just hope, really hope, will find happiness again. Whether today, tomorrow, or in another life, though bitter, but I guess this is my path.

Whatever I do, at least when I decided to share my heart with others, I should have know it would take a risk. Whether positive or negative. No single thing in this world who do not take the risk. I should have known that. However, selfishness and all the flavor that satisfy my soul over time, has brought me full of sorrow fell in a hole that I do not even know could come out or not, yes ... I eventually had to accept all the facts and maybe this is my path.

Like now. Emptiness, loneliness, pain, and various other flavor that somehow I do not know what his name has made my life more completely meaningless. I can not have what I have. And, when I realized everything, I knew I was too late to regret it. Time can never go back to a time when I have not started it. Now, there was nothing left for me, this is my path.


  1. salam sahabat
    wah bagus artikelnya ,jalan yang terbak merupakan arahan yang terbaik selama kita mau menuju jalan yang baik walah ga tahu apa he..he...oh iya dah saya follow kalo sedia follow balik ya..thnxs n good luck

  2. Sedih sekali ceritanya Bang. Kadang kita terlambat menyadari apa yang sudah kita miliki sebelumnya. Yang berlalu, biarkan berlalu. Jangan terlalu lama terlarut, kumpulkan semangat dan motivasi baru untuk menjalani kehidupan akan datang! Sobat pasti bisa mengatasi ini...
