
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nature Someone According Birth Date

the nature of a person according to his birth date, hopefully useful yach ... :

Date 1: Easily influenced, like to act rashly, ingenious and clever in all the work

Date 2: Both favor, jaunty, tenacious, never give up, but has no permanent establishment and changeable.

Date 3: Friendly, intelligent take heart, preferably rigorous Tamen friends, jaunty, but if there are wants not frustrated anymore.

Date 4: Both the liver, has many friends, have initiative, good speaking style and cheap fortune.

Date 5: Many will, ill easily satisfied with what you have, have a high discipline, if the work was never completely.

Date 6: Forgetful, spendthrift, lazy, slow thinking, dislike berat2 handle thing, but have many friends.

Date 7: Clever, who has a smart brain, ill never feel satisfied with what I owned and liked berganti2 lover.

Date 8: Clever hang out, have many friends, kind, polite and had a great willingness.

Date 9: Both the liver, rather grumpy, happy to help people in distress, hard-hearted, but refused to budge.

Date 10: Like looking for the face, happy to be praised, brangasan, likes to act rashly and somewhat lazy.

Date 11: Clever to put yourself well, love of truth, fair and impartial.

Date 12: Generous, diligent, intelligent decisions, like hal2 likeable and defiantly will segan2 helping people who liked.

Date 13: Clever talk, good putting yourself in the association, smart, not like regulated and not easily discouraged.

Date 14: Clever hang out, kind, love of science, clever take heart and easy to find fortune.

Date 15: Faithful friend, self-sacrificing, kind, respectful to parents, but easily influenced.

Date 16: Both the liver, somewhat shy, helpful, irritable and somewhat vindictive.

Date 17: Clever hang out, have lots of friends, cheerful honest and like to come clean.

Date 18: Smart, a bit extravagant, high taste, like the all beautiful, skilled in all things, vengeful.

Date 19: Quick tempered, impatient, kind, not tegaan and always be social with anyone.

Date 20: Establishment is not fixed, easily consumed gossip, lack of confidence in yourself and a bit lazy.

Date 21: Glad to be praised, kind, generous, have extensive experience and helpful.

Date 22: Fair, not biased, like work, have a lot of knowledge, and easily tempted by the subtle seduction.

Date 23: Clever outgoing, good at looking for the source of livelihood, quick-tempered but not vindictive.

Date 24: Honest, sincere, has a strong stance, not materialistic and sportsmanship.

Date 25: Like peace, love peace, experts think and have a strong imagination.

Date 26: Like to act rashly, not good at making decisions, lack of thorough and easily tempted.

Date 27: Love of peace, have many friends, good at putting themselves and refused to budge.

Date 28: Got the initiative, well-spoken, his mind always produce a good plan, but rather use the opportunity of narrowness.

Date 29: Hard heads, not tegaan, if there are wants and not be prevented from always trying to get what they want with determination.

Date 30: Clever to lead, not easily discouraged, have many friends, tough and clever to find his fortune.

Date 31: Clever to put themselves, like praise, easily influenced, fast Dlm all jobs.

NB: only predictions based on the survey and wrote the experience, may believe should also not ... ci u ^ _ ^