
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shocking Facts About Human Body

Maybe many people do not know many secrets contained in its body. These facts may not have thought of, but one would be surprised if the know.

The human body from head, neck, trunk body, 2 arms and 2 legs is an overall physical structure of the human organism. The size of the human body is usually influenced by genes, and as an adult's body consists of 100 billion cells that are designed to support the functions of each organ, such as cardiovascular, digestive, immune, respiration, excretion, urination, musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine and reproductive.

Because it is hidden facts that are not known to many people on a human body.

1. Humans release about 600,000 particles (cells) of skin every hour. Within a year there are about 1.5 pounds (0.75 kg) so that the average person will lose about 105 pounds (47.25 kg) of skin cells at the age of 70 years.

2. Total bone. Adults have fewer bones than babies. As someone just getting started in life, there are 305 bones. But with the growth, then as an adult person has only 206 bones alone.

3. Sidik (lines) on the tongue. If you want to hide the identity, then you should not stick its tongue. Because similar to fingerprints, every person has a unique tongue print is different.

4. New belly skin layer. Without realizing every human being has a skin layer of the new belly every 3-4 days. This is because the strong acid in the stomach not only useful for digesting food, but also to erode the stomach lining.

5. The speed of a sneeze. Air is removed from the person who sneezes can have speeds up to 100 miles per hour (160.9 km / h) or more. Because it never hurts to hold my nose when sneezing or someone near you who sneezed.

6. The length of blood vessels. Blood has a long line of work, because there are about 60,000 miles (96,540 km) of blood vessels in the human body. And the heart work harder to pump about 2,000 gallons of blood every day to all blood vessels.

7. The amount of saliva. Probably never imagined to swim in his own saliva. But it may be, because in one's lifetime to produce saliva on average 25,000 liters.

8. Strength snore. Someone must be disrupted if sleeping next to someone who snores. This is understandable, because snoring can reach 60 decibels is equivalent to the normal sounds of people talking. Some have reached 80 decibels is equivalent to the sound of drilling machines.

9. Color and amount of hair. Hair color will help determine how much the number of hairs. Blonde hair color has 146,000 follicles (glands in the hair pocket), black hair have 110,000 follicles while chocolate has 100,000 hair follicles. Each follicle produces 20 strands of hair.

10. Heavy head. No wonder if a baby is hard to lift his head, because the weight of the head at birth is a quarter of total body weight. While as adults, the weight of his head only one-eighth of one's body weight.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

My mother is a blessing that can only be experienced by a woman. A mother is someone whose love is never ending - only increase and grow with time. She loves her children, even before they were born and continue to love his children throughout his life. Children often leave their mother just like that, once they mature, and sometimes started to ignore him. However, love never lost a mother to her children.
Celebrated every year, mother's Day is a special day to honor mothers around the world. Opportunity for each individual express love, affection and respect they have for their mothers. It's time to indulge herself for all that has been done to us over the years. On Mother's Day we could tell Mom that she will always be very important for us all and that we will always love him forever. Mother, is a word that most beautiful and most pleasant words. This shows the importance of mothers in our lives. Mother, she always give the best to their children, mothers also symbolize the sacrifice of pain, sorrow and suffering that had he lived to keep his children to be more happy and secure. There is no joy that can be equated with the joy of a mother towards her child, and therefore the most important woman in the life of each individual is his mother, because its presence affects all our lives and he can not be replaced by anyone.

Mom thank you to all who have you provide to us your children, hopefully we can offer you one of the best things to mebalas all your kindness, and may God always bless you with happiness.
Happy Mother's Day to you I say,
I always love you ... Mom

"We only have One Mom, One Mommy,
One Mom in the World, One Mother in life.
and Do not wait for tomorrow
to tell Mom,
that we really love him "

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

If I could

If I could catch a rainbow
I'll do it just for you,
Sharing with you about the beauty
until your days feel blue.

If I could build a mountain
I also will do it just for you,
A place to find serenity,
A place to be alone.

If I could eliminate all these problems
be rid of all the sea and sink it
despite all this it is impossible for me,
because I'm only human

I could never catch a rainbow for you
I also can not build a mountain you
but I still always love you
I still love you

Maybe I can not be the best for you
I always take care allow
though only as a friend pseudo
I'm very happy to be close to you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Reflections on Life

There is no clear way to have a successful life as everyone approaches obstacles in vastly different ways. While there are no solutions to the current economic problem, some people continue to brave through. Despite having days where everything went wrong, these people continue to stay positive and focused on their goals. People who constantly have pessimistic outlooks often find them coming true. People who don’t, however, find successes in even the smallest parts of their lives. Here are a few tips to keep you floating even through the rough spots :
  1. Love, when given and shared, can make you feel whole.
  2. While life isn’t fair, be sure to focus only on the positive.
  3. Since you can’t change it, let the past go. Instead, focus on what you can change: the future.
  4. Lao Tzu (Confucius) once noted, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Make a plan and stick to it when struggling against adversity.
  5. When you’re unsure of what to do, be cautious and take small steps. This will help you recover if anything goes wrong.
  6. Life has so much to offer, and it’s even better when you share it with people. Find things you and your family like to do to have fun.
  7. Persistence and focus are your greatest tools.
  8. Life isn’t always easy, so be flexible as you may need to make compromises at times.
  9. Some people may not like you. Instead of worrying about them, spend time focusing on the people who do.
  10. Friends are powerful allies and great resources, make many of them and enjoy their presence in your life.
  11. Pick your battles, as you can’t win every argument.
  12. Crying is okay, and it is much better to release pent up emotion than to internalize it.
  13. Keep your friends close as they often have the best shoulders to cry on. It’s better than being alone.
  14. Treat others as they want to be treated, rather than how you would treat them. Everyone has individual needs, and forcing them into your mold may cause tension.
  15. Live your own life, and don’t copy others. The grass isn’t always greener.
  16. Remember the old adage, beauty is only skin deep.
  17. When you feel like things are out of control, take a minute to breath and focus before entering a task.
  18. You control the course to your dreams and goals.
  19. Don’t focus on what other people think, instead focus on being you.
  20. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, and time will bring happiness and healing.
  21. Miracles do happen.
  22. Don’t spend time feeling bad about your situation, instead spend time looking at the opportunities around you.
  23. No matter what kind of box it comes in, life is a wonderful gift.
  24. You control your happiness.
  25. Life is something you should celebrate daily.
  26. Remember that the best is yet to come.

Monday, December 14, 2009

this is my way

I feel that what I've done so far in vain. None of the results. All I can is merely pain. Pain that I never expected. All of which I have, have gone from me, from my life. Maybe this is my path.

It's not easy being me, not easy also for me to be someone else. However, as difficult as any obstacle that is in front of me, that's what I have to face. I should be able to receive all the pain that exists and I can not deny it because This is my path.

But, what can I do if something that has graced my days off and I never know when it will come back. Maybe again, maybe not. Although I know, the words "return" will never exist for me. There is only "no" and a myriad of feelings of regret. I just hope, really hope, will find happiness again. Whether today, tomorrow, or in another life, though bitter, but I guess this is my path.

Whatever I do, at least when I decided to share my heart with others, I should have know it would take a risk. Whether positive or negative. No single thing in this world who do not take the risk. I should have known that. However, selfishness and all the flavor that satisfy my soul over time, has brought me full of sorrow fell in a hole that I do not even know could come out or not, yes ... I eventually had to accept all the facts and maybe this is my path.

Like now. Emptiness, loneliness, pain, and various other flavor that somehow I do not know what his name has made my life more completely meaningless. I can not have what I have. And, when I realized everything, I knew I was too late to regret it. Time can never go back to a time when I have not started it. Now, there was nothing left for me, this is my path.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


when trapped with all the problems that exist,
though there is no room for me to do.
And until I finally learned the only way is underground.

when prison life curb noise,
though there is no cavity for I could cry.
And until I finally learned the only way is underground.

not run away from all reality, this is my life ... underground.
rebelled in ketikdakadilan, do for humanity.
cry for honesty, ... underground, my way to fight hypocrisy.