
Tuesday, June 29, 2010


fall off

clear and lucid

clot falls

free float

through the sky

wind blew

break silence

natural wash

piercing the earth


psp, June 20, 2010 - 21:50 - on psp rain tonight

in solitude

narrow breadth of the world to me

hectic world deserted me

cerianya world to me empty

shortness of peacefulness of the world to me

I do not need to be a world

I just need to be me

leaving space and time

speak on this own self

know the nature and human

understand the place where I live

looked at all that is around me

in solitude

psp, June 16, 2010 - 13:50 - in solitude ^ _ ^

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Plain Life

No idle gold -- since this fine sun, my friend,
Is no mean miser, but doth freely spend.
No prescious stones -- since these green mornings show,
Without a charge, their pearls where'er I go.

No lifeless books -- since birds with their sweet tongues
Will read aloud to me their happier songs.

No painted scenes -- since clouds can change their skies
A hundred times a day to please my eyes.
Rata Tengah
No headstrong wine -- since, when I drink, the spring
Into my eager ears will softly sing.

No surplus clothes -- since every simple beast
Can teach me to be happy with the least.
by : William Henry Davies

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I Hunger Again

here ...

since morning

do not feel rice

beralusinasi mind

terciumi food odors

This provoked belly

basic, pig nose

gastric sissy

today ...

I Hunger Again

psp, June 15, 2010 - 16:40 - the hungry and thirsty ^ _ ^

Monday, June 14, 2010

I killed My destiny!

O friends ...
it is enough that you know
you are familiar enough
all about my anxiety
all about my dismay

This downturn makes me wilt
I'm here limp lilting
and remember, do not need help
I know you were not able to
God does not need to also tell you
He just wanted to see my struggle

let me ..., let ...
let the world laugh
Leave this life makes me sad
still will always be looking around for the time

then ...,
I killed My destiny!

psp, June 14, 2010 - 10:40 - still in the cold room is empty - inspiration 'cm' ^ _ ^

sandwiched miss

initially hesitant
then there are missed

was not one
now fused

This winding road
This distance interfere

when meeting
complete miss

elapsed time
sandwiched miss

psp, 14 Juni 2010 - 17:026 - still in the rain all day. ^_^

In the Rain Today

still in the same place
usual wide-eyed night
until the morning sun greeted
I was not fast wake
It is difficult eye closed
then finish it all
walk menujuan clash

and the ripples seen rain fall
sebahagian sky at room deritaku
on half the days this peaceful
I spend time, sleeping up to earlier
no, not dead, I want to wake up again
continue the wonderful night

jolt I realized
knock-knock at the stone
in the stomach pulses
still looks sullen mist
let cool, wash the entire body
walked in the rain rinai
go my cool and empty space
then sitting on the bench time
spend the rest of the work on the screen world

Ya Allah ...
are ready to color rainbow
I want to look at him today

Ya Allah ...
thank you for washing the earth
I feel peace in my heart

psp, 14 Juni 2010 - 16:03 - in the rain all day. ^_^

Saturday, June 12, 2010

wander is

Intelligent and civilized people do not dwell in his hometown
Leave your land and go into the land of the

Go on, do not you get a replacement from relatives and friends
Crease-lelahlah, the sweetness of life felt after a weary struggle

I saw the water still be damaged by silent restrained
If the flow becomes clear if he's not muddy puddle

The lion will never eat if you do not leave the nest
Children do not leave a bow an arrow if it does not hit the target

If only the sun in their orbits do not move and keep quiet
Sure man tired of him and reluctant to look

Moon if constantly full moon throughout the ages
People do not wait for the emergence of future

Gold seeds as usual before the excavation of land mines
Once processed and mined people crowded fight

Aloes wood is like a regular wood in the forest
If brought to the city to change expensive so coveted tycoon

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Joint Nature

There is a longing that carved in stone
There was the sound of water flowing along
There are scattered and peace
become the flowers of immortality.

Me, you and all of us will never know
What about the beauty of nature with his love
Give peace in the mountains and ocean
In the souls who need the peace of

I wanted to rip the quiet ...
when the birds sing and dance
I want to remove the troubled ...
waiting until the red light of the moon

In a complaint lodged grim nature of my soul
I let the joys and sorrows singing at the tops of the fir
Together with a light breeze kupadamkan all surge.
Disappeared for a moment from all congested
I pressed my whole passion and dreams

Here ... with this natural

Your Loving

I will continue to love you
Although have to walk on sharp pebbles
Ready to hurt me and through my legs
I will always hold all the tender
With a smile and laugh softly

I'm too fragile if you have to forget you
Let me getting crushed in this love
Until you understand
that I really love you
And if it all has to end
I still believe,
someday ... I'll be the most beautiful in your soul.
Because I will continue to 'love'

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ya Allah
If he is right for me, draw near her with my heart
If he's not mine, make peace with the provisions of thy heart
He was the jewel which has always hoped for
You unite us with Thy rancana
You hold us with thy power
Persatukanlah us with thy grace and gifts

Ya Allah
You place my hopes kubergantung
I hope we sentiasa under Your mercy
Make us to better understand each other
Love lead us to the road that you ridhai
Although ultimately he was not for me,
my heart is
sincere with the provisions of thy Ya Rabb

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Nature and Character Based on Color

Everyone has one of the most preferred type of color of the many colors that we know in our dimension. Many were unaware, in fact from Favorite colors we can see one's character.

Color Blue
Blue your favorite color, usually including the types of moody, always pleasant and always acted passively in all respects. Always expect peace and quiet. You have difficulty in relationships. Similarly, in making love because you often hide feelings.

Color Black
You're the kind of people who are very nimble in certain cases only. If you are an unwelcome environment, then you will become depressed. You always look nice, neat, pretty much the opposite sex trying to catch up and grab you love.

Red Color
You are very authoritative and also happy to protect the weak. Although often times hanging out and joking but you could not help myself. Many people say love, but you always think and think again. You're the kind of tough love.
Green Color
If your favorite color green, then you are the type who is very romantic, like beauty, love of nature with the cool air. You are someone who always holds the principle. In case you crave-sex desire prospective mate of tolerance and can be trusted.

Yellow Color
Your favorite color of yellow indicates that you have nature optimistic. You type cheerful and happy to hang out, do not have a lackluster appearance. The nature of mutual help is always there inside of you, because help is an absolute obligation to you. You people never underestimate anyone, even if someone is dumb or stupid.

You are a person who is born into the world with a perfect, if you like the color white, many people admire you because of the nature angun, idealistic and moral nature you are very high. Never arrogant, happy to help anyone who needs help you.

Color Purple is a person with type that is really incredible. Always optimistic, in facing the future you never in doubt, do what ye are the best. You're good at right in following the development of the era. In making love, only they can approach the mental strength and be your lover.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Nature Someone According Birth Date

the nature of a person according to his birth date, hopefully useful yach ... :

Date 1: Easily influenced, like to act rashly, ingenious and clever in all the work

Date 2: Both favor, jaunty, tenacious, never give up, but has no permanent establishment and changeable.

Date 3: Friendly, intelligent take heart, preferably rigorous Tamen friends, jaunty, but if there are wants not frustrated anymore.

Date 4: Both the liver, has many friends, have initiative, good speaking style and cheap fortune.

Date 5: Many will, ill easily satisfied with what you have, have a high discipline, if the work was never completely.

Date 6: Forgetful, spendthrift, lazy, slow thinking, dislike berat2 handle thing, but have many friends.

Date 7: Clever, who has a smart brain, ill never feel satisfied with what I owned and liked berganti2 lover.

Date 8: Clever hang out, have many friends, kind, polite and had a great willingness.

Date 9: Both the liver, rather grumpy, happy to help people in distress, hard-hearted, but refused to budge.

Date 10: Like looking for the face, happy to be praised, brangasan, likes to act rashly and somewhat lazy.

Date 11: Clever to put yourself well, love of truth, fair and impartial.

Date 12: Generous, diligent, intelligent decisions, like hal2 likeable and defiantly will segan2 helping people who liked.

Date 13: Clever talk, good putting yourself in the association, smart, not like regulated and not easily discouraged.

Date 14: Clever hang out, kind, love of science, clever take heart and easy to find fortune.

Date 15: Faithful friend, self-sacrificing, kind, respectful to parents, but easily influenced.

Date 16: Both the liver, somewhat shy, helpful, irritable and somewhat vindictive.

Date 17: Clever hang out, have lots of friends, cheerful honest and like to come clean.

Date 18: Smart, a bit extravagant, high taste, like the all beautiful, skilled in all things, vengeful.

Date 19: Quick tempered, impatient, kind, not tegaan and always be social with anyone.

Date 20: Establishment is not fixed, easily consumed gossip, lack of confidence in yourself and a bit lazy.

Date 21: Glad to be praised, kind, generous, have extensive experience and helpful.

Date 22: Fair, not biased, like work, have a lot of knowledge, and easily tempted by the subtle seduction.

Date 23: Clever outgoing, good at looking for the source of livelihood, quick-tempered but not vindictive.

Date 24: Honest, sincere, has a strong stance, not materialistic and sportsmanship.

Date 25: Like peace, love peace, experts think and have a strong imagination.

Date 26: Like to act rashly, not good at making decisions, lack of thorough and easily tempted.

Date 27: Love of peace, have many friends, good at putting themselves and refused to budge.

Date 28: Got the initiative, well-spoken, his mind always produce a good plan, but rather use the opportunity of narrowness.

Date 29: Hard heads, not tegaan, if there are wants and not be prevented from always trying to get what they want with determination.

Date 30: Clever to lead, not easily discouraged, have many friends, tough and clever to find his fortune.

Date 31: Clever to put themselves, like praise, easily influenced, fast Dlm all jobs.

NB: only predictions based on the survey and wrote the experience, may believe should also not ... ci u ^ _ ^